Thursday 31 January 2013

Cool Schooling!

Sorry I haven't posted for a little while! I've been superbusy - ew, highschool!

I had so many essays that my fingers were too tired to type you a post - but I've done all my assignments for now, so time for an update.

I was ill for a few days, so that set me back a bit. I got Will to lunge Dancer, but she was still a bit fresh when I rode her - oh well. I did a couple schooling sessions with her in our new azure blue saddle pad and schooling wraps, oh, and I have a matching sweater :) Then yesterday I decided to do a little bit of jumping - wahoo! Dee went really well, although she did run out a few times in the second half of the double.

Let me know what you've been up to/ have got planned.


Friday 11 January 2013

Trail riding and freaking out...

So after school finished today I went down to the barn for a trail ride on Dee for a little while. And it was going okay, I mean, it was ridiculously cold and I was bundled up in about a billion layers, but we were cantering down the less muddy paths and trotting around.

But I guess maybe I should have kept my wits about me a bit more, seeing as how all the other horses at the barn were getting all antsy in the cold, wet weather. Oh well. We were just walking along down a trail when some squirrels ran in front of us and Dee freaked. She bolted down the trail, which has really low trees and was like a swamp! I was clinging to the front of the saddle and trying to keep my head down to avoid a concussion!

Eventually she calmed down and I got her back to the barn. I hopped down and checked her over - her legs, etc were fine - thank goodness!

So apparent from a very muddy horse and a hair-raising ride all was ok. Hopefully we'll have some more chilled rides this weekend. I'm so tired now from gripping the saddle. Time for some cocoa and an hour in front of the t.v.

Monday 31 December 2012

Having a lovely day *pictures*

Persuaded my mom to give me a lift down to the barn. It's pretty cold today, but hey - it is December.

I took Dancer out for a little romp round the trails and she was good as gold. I'm thinking about getting her a new saddle pad/ bandage combo for a late Christmas present. Any color suggestions leave below :) We did a little bit of log jumping but I avoided the puddles because she was wearing white bandages! Maybe I should have planned that a bit better...

So glad there's wifi at the barn because I can update before I forget, ha ha. I'm off for lunch now, superhungry!

Hope everyone has a great new year and a happy and healthy 2013.

This is a snap that Paige very kindly took today before our ride:

Oopsie, sorry guys!

Hello anybody that still visits my blog - I'm sorry that I didn't post!!

I got very busy right after that last post I made in... September?! Star left on the 14th of September. She was sold to a really nice girl who is 3 (?) years older than me and wants to do stadium with her. Which is great, yay! Because I realised that maybe before I was being a teensy bit selfish because this way Star will be happier. So even though I was hurting, I had to let her go.

Anyway, on to the busy part: On the 4th November someone new started boarding at our barn (which is the best in CT, hi guys!). And his name is *drumroll* Ben, and he has a horse, and omigoshomigosh.

Woah, I flipped out a bit there :)

Anyway, Ben has two horses, a chestnut TB mare called Dancer and a dun gelding called Drummer (not TB, not sure what breed). So because Ben is superbusy and a really nice guy, he said that I can lease Dancer, or Dee, off him for a while. So all I have to do is look after her and exercise her for him! And I get to spend as much time with her as I LIKE!

Obviously I said yes, and with school and assignments and all that stuff, I kinda - sorry about this - forgot to post. Yes, I'll go dig myself a hole right away.

Free virtual cupcakes & carrots for anyone who read this far, and I solemnly swear to post more in future!



Tuesday 11 September 2012

Lesson today but mostly Star...

Had a great lesson today, even though every time I set foot in the barn I feel a wave of sadness.

I rode Domino, one of the barn horses. He was great, although a little zippy! We did jumping (score!) and Domi and I had the fastest score, so that was a mood booster. The I groomed him and all that, but I just didn't feel any connection. Ugh.

I know I need to get over Star, but I just can't! Everything reminds me of her and I don't know whether to spend more time with her and make the most of it, or distance myself now so it's less painful when she goes.

All I know is, my heart will break a little bit more every time I walk past the stable where she used to be.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Here's Star, being fed over the fence by Will (One of the grooms)

Isn't she beautiful?

So, it's late at night, but I can't sleep. In fact, I don't think I'll ever sleep again - the worst POSSIBLE thing has happened.

K's selling Star.

And the thing is, she's only doing it to annoy me/ because she can't ride and doesn't realise Star is amazing/ because she's a spoiled brat who gets everything she wants.

I can't believe that my sweetie is soon going to be gone forever - I mean, she could end up anywhere, thousands of miles away. I've been crying on and off because even though I know she isn't mine to keep, I still love her.

And there is zero chance that my parents will buy her for me. They couldn't afford the boarding fees - I've only asked a zillion times. So this is goodbye to Star.

I thought blogging it would help, but I'm just sitting here, sniffing, and looking at a picture of Star. She totally doesn't deserve this. She's one of the sweetest horses I know.

I cannot let this happen, but there is nothing I can do to stop it. Suggestions?
